Quantitative Reasoning Exemption

The quantitative reasoning exemption is only allowed for students who have a verifiable learning disability that specifically affects quantitative reasoning. Additionally, this request is only for the required university core quantitative reasoning requirement. We do not review learning disability related waiver requests for college, major, minor, or concentration requirements.

This is a waiver, so students will not need to take a course to replace this, but will still need to meet the 120 hour credit requirement. This request starts with Disability Services, so all initial questions should be addressed with that office. Please see below for additional policies and the process for requesting a quantitative reasoning exemption.

Requesting a Quantitative Reasoning Exemption

  1. Review all policies pertaining to quantitative reasoning exemption requests.
  2. Contact the Office of Disability Services to find out which specific documentation is required in order to review the request.
  3. Submit appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Services.
  4. Fill out the quantitative reasoning exemption request paperwork with the Office of Disability Services. The Office of Disability Services will submit the request to our office for review.
  5. Documentation and request is sent to an outside reviewer who will then submit a recommendation to our office.


Quantitative Reasoning Exemption Policies

The university complies fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Due to the complexity of fully evaluating complete psychoeducational testing documentation, students should submit their requests and documentation several semesters before they plan to graduate. Students who wait until their final semester(s) to begin this process should keep in mind that review of their degree audits may be delayed while awaiting an evaluation. Additionally, academic advisors may not be able to make firm course recommendations for a student's final semester(s) during this process.

Students who wish to request an exemption from the university quantitative reasoning requirement due to a specific learning disability must first contact the Office of Disability Services (703-993-2474) for guidance. The Office of Disability Services can review the types of testing required in order to submit an exemption request. Legally and financially, the responsibility of documenting a disability in a timely manner falls upon the student, and the University reserves the right to require certain types of information and testing documentation.

The quantitative reasoning requirement is a university degree requirement. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office will provide a recommendation to the Provost's Office if the testing documentation supports an exemption from this requirement; the Provost's Office however makes the final decision concerning this university requirement.


Quantitative Reasoning Exemption Resources